We believe that 'Reviews', particulary reviews from
people with relevant authority and / or standing
are very important to include alongside any product
that we promote. If it's to do with 'weight loss',
whether it's fitness
weight loss or weight loss in general or it's
specific to losing body fat, then there's one thing that's
important to know. You want to know that the person giving the
review is a suitably qualified or
experienced person.
The same applies if it's general weight loss
advice that you require. Also if you are seeking
specific weight loss tools; or the best ways to lose weight or
the quickest way to lose weight. Whatever you
want; tips for losing weight, tips for fitness weight
loss or simply that in the past you have found
that you cannot lose weight, reviews are important. Of course it goes
without saying that reviews must be genuine and from an
authorative source.
Here's what respected authorities are saying about the
Jennifer Nicole Lee - Fitness Weight
Loss program - The Official "Fitness Model Program
™". You will see a comment from 'Oprah',
the internationally renown TV show host, who has had her
own struggles with her weight and fitness. Oprah is
certainly qualified through her own personal experience to
comment. There is also comment from a Doctor as well as
from two leading and highly respected fitness industry experts
Authority Reviews
1) Jennifer Nicole Lee has appeared on 'Oprah' on
“Jennifer Nicole Lee has devised a workout program that’s
pretty cool.”
2) Vince DelMonte
author of "No Nonsense
Building" and contributor to "Men's Fitness Magazine"
"Don't wait another day to
create the body and life you deserve. This is the actual
program I promote to my female clients who want to build a
sleek and sexy body without bulk or looking too 'runway'
Doctor approved!
"The Fitness Model Program
™ is Doctor Approved! Even my
daughter is on it!”
Dr Bill Colstock
4) I
you’re still contemplating whether you should
trial Jennifer Nicole Lee's amazing 'Fitness Weight
Loss' Program, here's what one of America’s
top personal trainers has to
"Let me give you one of the best pieces of advice you’ll ever
receive: change comes by doing. If you are anything less than
100% satisfied with your current body, do yourself a huge favor
and take action today."
Joel Marion, CISSN,
Author and Body Transformation
Why not check out the 2
minute video of Jennifer Nicole Lee when she was
featured on the 'Oprah' show on TV? If you don't believe
that both the 'Before' and 'After' photo is the same
person we bet you will when you check out the 'Oprah' video!
"GO HERE" and
click the pink 'Yes Please' button.
If you are a mom with young
kids you're gonna just love the 'Oprah' video. What a
great way to exercise with your kids while striving for
fitness weight loss. It's great fun for you moms and great
fun for your kids too!